Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Love is Blind

I believe in equal marriage rights.  All the hub-bub of gay marriage, and states actually defining marriage as between one man and one woman is so ludicrous to me.  It wasn't all that long ago that interracial couples were barred from being married.  It wasn't until the Supreme Court struck down anti-miscegenation laws in 1967, that men and women of different races could marry throughout the country.  Some individual states allowed it previously to that, but the landmark case of Loving v. Virgina made it possible for love of all colors to enter lawfully wedded bliss.  I firmly believe that eventually the same thing will happen to allow love of all genders the same privilege.

I recently went to get my hair done, and my stylist shared the news that she is pregnant.  I did the typical girl thing and jumped up and down squealing and clapping my hands.  She and her partner have been talking about getting pregnant for a while.  In Nevada, people can register as domestic partners, and these two did that about a year ago.  But it has still been a challenge for them with doctor's offices and work benefits.  If they could just get married, in my own humble opinion, things would be much easier for them.  They have been together for years now.  They own a home together, and they are about to raise a child together.  Just let them get married, for crying out loud!!  I have known so many same sex couples who are loving and devoted to each other.  Whose relationships are stronger than many opposite sex couples I have known.  It just isn't fair for one group of people to limit the rights of another group of people, when the oppressed group is otherwise law-abiding and contributing members of society.

During this same hair appointment, my stylist told me about the Manny Pacquiao debacle.  For those who don't know, Pacquiao stated to a journalist that he is against gay marriage, and the reporter noted that Pacquiao quoted Leviticus 20:13.  This particular verse states: "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."  She and I discussed this for a little while, and I'll share my opinion with you in just a moment.  But first, to be clear, Pacquiao has since denied even knowing the existence of this verse, and the reporter has admitted that he fabricated the quote.  Of course, we like to take our little sound bites and run with them regardless of context.  I decided to pull out my Bible and read the entire chapter.  And what did I find, but a verse that would put me to death as well as many other laws under which good ol' fashioned hetero-sex is punishable by death.  (Verse 10 is the verse which applies to me.  I'll let you look it up.)

Okay, so my opinion on the religious spin.  It irritates me to no end when people want to bring religion to the table.  Mind you, I'm a Christian myself, and I go to church more often than not as well as read the Bible on an almost daily basis.  I have a Bible app on my phone.  I believe Pacquiao when he says he's never heard of this verse.  Leviticus is in the Old Testament.  As a Christian I can tell you that not a lot of time is spent in Leviticus.  It is the book of old Jewish law.  You know the ten commandments and Moses and all that?  Leviticus is the expansion on that.  And since the Christian view is that we cannot possibly live every precept of the law.  That is why Jesus came to Earth.  To meet the demands of justice as required by the law.  But he also taught us a great deal about love and not judging others.  We all need Jesus.  We are all in need of redemption, whether we are gay or straight.  That is my opinion based on my own studies of the Bible and my own experiences with people.  Obviously there are other opinions out there, but ya know, I just can't get past the whole "God is love" thing.  That seems to be the permeating idea to me about God.  And Jesus told us to love each other as proof that we are his disciples.  He did not say, "Except for the gay people.  Don't love them."

Now let's move away from the religion thing, and onto the other statement that I find completely ignorant.  Being homosexual is not a choice.  I am straight.  I didn't choose to be straight.  When I was a little girl, I saw the cute boys on the playground and I chased them down so I could kiss them.  It wasn't a value my parents instilled in me.  I just went after those boys.  I chose to be vegetarian.  I wasn't a vegetarian for much of my life, but then I decided that I wanted to try it out.  So far it's working for me.  That is a lifestyle choice.  Not sexuality.  If you could choose it, wouldn't you just pick being straight so you could avoid all the bullying, harassment, judgement, and disenfranchisement that you would meet if you chose to be gay?  Sure, I get some flack for being veggie, but no one is beating me up for it.  No one is telling me I'm going to hell for it.  No one is passing laws against me.  I'm all for laws that keep people safe from the bad decisions made by others:  drinking and driving, robbery, rape, murder, even anti-smoking laws.  When one person's actions directly affects the health and safety of another person, we shouldn't allow it.  But I don't see how the marriage of two people of the same sex is going to threaten the health and safety of the marriage of two people of opposite sexes.  People get married everyday.  I live in Vegas, so lots of people are getting married everyday.  It does not affect me.  I go about my life and no amount of marriage taking place bothers me.  I'm certain it wouldn't make a difference if it was gay marriage taking place.

Obviously, this topic has been weighing on my mind a lot lately.  My stylist and her partner are just an example of the great people in my life that are denied the privilege of matrimony simply because of their sexuality.  It's quite ridiculous.  It breaks my heart, really.  On one hand, I'm glad we're ahead of India, which just this year decriminalized homosexuality.  But we cannot hold ourselves up as lovers of freedom when we withhold that freedom from a segment of our citizens. 

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them"
-Mother Teresa